Venedig um 1903. Oil/Cardboard. 35.4 x 25.2 cm. Sign, bottom right: HARTA. Exhibit: Kunsthandel Widder, Wien Herbst 2015; Kunsthandel Widder, March 2019. Lit: Wien 2015, S. 94, mit Abb; Wien 2016, Kat. Nr. 131. Wien 2019, S. 21, Kat. Nr. 46 mit Abb. Prov: 2015 Kunsthandel Widder, Wien; 28.06.2016 Lehner Auktionen, Wien; 2019 Kunsthandel Widder, Wien; 17.07. 2019. Acquired Estate Felix Albrecht Harta, FL. Privateowner, owner purchased. Location: Private owner, USA.

Junger Männ in Uniform, um 1905. Oil/cardboard.46.7 x 36.8 cm. Unsigned. Lit: Im Kinsky, Wien 06.03.2001, Kat. Nr. 103, mit Abb. Verso is a Portrait of Harta's father, Moritz Hirsch, Salzburg Museum, Inv. Nr. 1054 b-2001. Provenance: Eva H. Wick, NY; 2001 Salzburg Museum acquires. Location: Salzburg Museum, Austria Inv #1054. A-2001.
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Bergdorf 1906. Oil/cardboard. 22 x 32 cm( 85/8 x 12 5/8 in). Signed & dated bottom right: HARTA / 1906. Lit: Dorotheum 09.05. 2012,S. 33, Kat. Nr. 74 mit Abb. Provenance: May 9, 2012 Dorotheum, Linz, Austria. Sold, Private owner. Location: Current whereabouts unknown.

Alter Mann. Oil/ cardboard. 34.5 x 26 cm. Sign, & dated bottom right: HARTA / 1907. Verso: Frauenporträt. Exhibit: Impulse. Museum der Moderne, Sbg, 29.10.2011-05.02.2012. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 61, WV Nr. G 1 mit Abb; Salzburg 2005, S. 73 mit Abb. Provenance: Felix A. Harta; Acquired by Salzburger Landesregierung; 1967; Residenzgalerie, Salzburg; 1982: Undertook by Rupertinium Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Inv Nr. BU 3776. Photo credit: © Museum der Moderne.

Frauenporträt 1907. Oil/cardboard; 34.5 x 26 cm; Sign, bottom right: HARTA; Verso: P-1907-1(Alter Mann). Exhibit: Impulse. Museum der Moderne, Sbg, 29.10. 2011-05.02.2012. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 61, WV Nr. G 2 mit Abb. Provenance: F.A. Harta, Wien. Bought by Salzburg Landesregierung 1967 Residenz Galerie, Sbg. 1982: Acquired by Museum der Moderne, Salzburg. Location: Museum de Moderne, Salzburg, Inv Nr. BU 3776. Photo Photo credit: © Museum der Moderne. Credit: ©

Frühlingslandschaft in München. Oil/canvas. 52 x 52 cm. Sign & dated bottom right: HARTA / MÜNCHEN / 1907. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 5; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 3; Bonhams 09.11.2010, S. 22, Kat Nr. 24 mit Abb; Louiza 17.12. 2011, S. 31, Kat. Nr. 393 mit Abb; Millon 21. 11. 2011, S. 56, Kat. Nr. 79 mit Abb. Prov: Felix Harta Gift to Hajos, Budapest; Privateowner, Pacific Palisades; 09.11.2010 Bonhams, NY; 17.12.2011 Louiza Auktion, Brüssels; 21.11. 2011 Millon, Paris. Loc: Private owner.

Damenporträt um 1907. Oil/Canvas. 58 x 44 cm. Signed bottom right: F.A. / HARTA. Verso: Unfinished Scene of a Venice Motif. Location: Private Collection.

Madonna mit Christuskind um 1907. Oil/wood. 77 x 56 cm. Signed bottom left: HARTA. Lit: Rieber 23.03. 2010, Kat. Nr. 1220 mit Abb; Rieber 05.10.2010, Kat. Nr. 955, mit Abb. Provenance: 23.10.2010 Auktionhaus Bernd Rieber, Stuttgart [unsold]; 05.10.2010 Auktionhaus Bernd Rieber, Stuttgart[unsold]. Location: Whereabouts unknown. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta's Werkverzeichnis.

Frauenporträt. 1908. Oil/canvas. 115 x 110(45 1/4 x 43 1/3 in) cm. Signed & dated bottom left: F.A. HARTA / WIEN 1908. Lit: Im Kinsky 24.06.2014, o.S., Kat. Nr. 3 mit Abb. Provenance: Collection of Richard Stark, Vienna; 24.06. 2014 Auktionhaus Im Kinsky, Wien; 24.06.2014. Sold-Private owner; 07.12.2015. Bought for the Stark Collection. Location: Collection Stark, Vienna. Remarks: Possibly Harta WV Nr. 7/1908 ("Frau Frank") or WV Nr. 9("Irona Jonas-Schachlitz"). Unlisted in Baumgartner.

Männerporträt. Oil/Canvas. 119 x 110 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: F.A. HARTA / WIEN 1908. Provenance: Galerie Walfischgasse, Wien; Acquired for the Stark Collection. Location: Stark Collection, Vienna. Remarks: Must be one of 4 Male Portraits in Hartas Werkverzeichnis 1906-1939, WV Nrs. 10-13. Photo credit ©Sammlung Stark.

Selbstporträt. Oil/Canvas. 59.5 X 47 cm. Signed & dated top right: HARTA / 1908. Exhibition: Der Kollektive Ausst. Felix Albrecht Harta, Künstlerhaus, Wien, 01.-30.09.1954. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 104, 160, 218, Taf. 3; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 61, WV Nr. G 3 mit Abb. Provenance: Eva Harta Wick, FL descended to estate. Location: Private owner, USA.

Saint Guenole1908. Oil/wood. 26.5 x 34.5 cm. Signed & dated: F.A./HARTA/ ST./ QUENOLE / 1908. Label top left: 3.739. Exhibit: Prof. Felix Albrecht Harta 1884-1967, Ölgemälde, Aquarelle, Salzburger Kunstverein, 28.06-21.07.1974. Lit: Salzburg 1974, S.15, Kat. Nr. 1 mit Abb; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 62, WV Nr. G 4 mit Abb. Prov: Margarethe Harta-Baillou, Sbg. Purchased Private owner. Location: Whereabouts unknown.

Bretonischer Hafen 1918. Oil/wood. 26.5 x 34. 5 cm. Sign, & dat. bottom right: HARTA / 1908. Exhibit: Jübilaums-Ausst Harta zum 80. Geburstag, Residenzgalerie, Sbg, 21.05.-10.06.1964; Sbg. Kunstverein, 28.06.-21.07. 1974. Lit: Sbg. 1964, o.S., Kat. Nr. 1; Bonte 1965, o.S.; Sbg 1974, S. 15, Kat. Nr. 2, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 14, 109, 160, 217, Taf. 1; Baumgartner 1991 II, S.62, WV Nr. G 5 mit Abb. Prov: 1974 Margarethe Harta-Baillou; 1991 Private owner. Loc: Whereabouts unknown.

Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris 1908. Oil/cardboard. 25.5 x 35 cm. Sign, & dated; bottom right: HARTA / PARIS / 1908. Exhibit: Giese & Schweiger, Wien, Herbst 1983. Lit: Giese & Schweiger, 1983, o.S., Kat Nr.16; Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 160, 217, Taf.2; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 62, WV Nr. G 6, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1992, S. 292 mit Abb. Prov: 1983 Giese & Schweiger; Dr. Rudolf Leopold. 1994 Acquired by Leopold Museum, Wien. Location: Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv #LM 69. Photo credit: © Leopold Musuem.

Oil on wood. 27 x 35 cm. Signed and dated bottom left: F.A.Harta / Paris / 1908; inscribed verso middle: Nr. 3. Im Bois de Boulogne. Exhibit: Wien-Paris: Van Gogh, Cezanné und Österreichs Moderne 1880 -1960, Belvedere Musuem, Wien, 03.10.2007-13.01.2008. Lit: Kat, Wien-Paris, 2007 S. 147 mit Abb. Provenance: Private owner, Vienna. Remarks: Not catalogued by Harta or Baumgartner. Homolgous with En Le Jardin de Luxembourg.

Die Seinebrücke gegen den Eiffelturm in Paris um 1908. Oil on wood. 49.8 x 49.8 cm.Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Catalog Faistauer, Schiele, Harta & Co: Painting Unites Us, S. 31, Taf. 12. Provenance: 2008 Salzburg Museum acquires Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv # 1091-2008. Photo credit: © Salzburg Museum.
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Copie Tizian Vierge au Lapin per Harta. Oil/ canvas. 63 x 80 cm.(24.75 x 31.50 in). Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 129/1908; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 5; Dorotheum, S. 12 mit Abb. Provenance: 02.05.2006 Dorotheum, Wien. Location: Current whereabouts unknown.

Hafenarbeiter um 1908. Oil/cardboard. 38.5 x 46 cm. Sign,bottom left: HARTA. Exhibit: Galerie Würthle, Wien 1989; Frühjahrausst. 1990, Galerie 16, Wien 26.03.-Ende Mai 1990; Felix Albrecht Harta, Galerie 16, Wien 14.03-25.04. 1994; Lit: Wien 1989 II, o.S., mit Abb; Wien 1990, o.S., mit Abb; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 249, WV Nr. GN 320, mit Abb; Wien 1994 I, S. 8, mit Abb. Prov: 1989 Galerie Würthle; 1990 Galerie 16, Wien; 1991 Private owner, Salzburg; 1994 Galerie 16, Wien. Loc: Unknown.

Moritz Hirsch, der Vater des Künstlers. Oil/wood. Signed & dated: HARTA / 1908. 46.7 x 36.8 cm. Front shows a portrait of a man in uniform[see P-1906-1]. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 67, WV Nr. G 23 mit Abb; Im Kinsky, Wien. 06.03.2001, Kat Nr. 103. Provenance: Eva Harta Wick; 06.03.2001 Im Kinsky, Wien; 2001 Acquired by Salzburg Museum. Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv Nr. 1054 b-2001. Photo credit: © Salzburg Musuem.
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Ansicht von Fuentarrabia per Harta. Oil/cardboard. 39.4 x 47.4 cm. Signed & dated bottom right: HARTA / 1909. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S.,WV Nr. 22/1909; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 3, 249, WV Nr. GN 322, , mit Abb. Provenance: Herr Bondy, Wien; 1991 Antiquitäten Schallmeiner, Ried im Innkreis; 05.05.1999 Auktionhaus Michael Zeller, Lindau. Location: Current whereabouts unknown.

Kopie nach Velasquez Phillip als Jäger per Harta. Oil/canvas. 56 x 45 cm. Not signed or dated. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 28; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 63, WV Nr. G 7 mit Abb. Provenance: Architekt David Jonas, Budapest; Eva Harta, NY; 23.08.1997 descended to estate. Location: Private owner, USA.

Oil/ canvas. 64 x 49 cm. Sign/ dated bottom right: HARTA / 1909. Ex: Harta Kolleltivausst., Staatsdruckerei, Wien 04.-23.04. 1955; Sbg Kunstverein, 28.06-21.07. 1974; Impulse. Museum der Moderne, Sbg, 29.10. 2011-05.02.2012*. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 30; Sbg.1974, S. 15, Kat. 3; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 3, 63, WV Nr. G 8 mit Abb; Sbg. 2005, S. 73, mit Abb. Prov: Dr. Kriser, Wien; Sbg. Landesregierung; 1966 Residenzgalerie Sbg; 1982. © Museum Der Moderne, Salzburg, Inv Nr. BU 3775.

Isidro Meiquez(Kopie nach Francisco de Goya Oil/canvas. Image: 73.66 x 55.88 cm. Framed: 83.82 x 63.50. Not signed or dated. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 249, WV Nr. GN 321, mit Abb. Provenance: Magarethe Harta-Baillou. 1974 Descended to Clemens de Baillou. Gifted to Private owner, USA between 1974 and 1978. Location: Athens, GA USA. Remarks: This painting hung above Daisy Harta's desk for many years according to the present owner. Likely painted during Harta's study trip to Spain in 1909.

Strandszene. Oil/ cardboard. 27 x 34.5 cm Signed & dated bottom right: F.A. HARTA / 1909. Exhibit: Kunsthandel Giese & Schweiger, Wien, Spring 2018. Lit: Zezula 09.12.2017, S. 55, Nr. 268, mit Abb; Wien 2018, o.S. Kat. Nr. 9, mit Abb. Provenance: 09.12.2017 Aukční dům Zezula, Brünn Czechoslovakia; Private owner, Austria. 2018: Acquired by Giese & Schweiger, Vienna. Location: Private property, lower Austria. Photo credit: © Giese & Schweiger.

Strandlandschaft um 1909. Oil on canvas. 60 x 80 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA 19[ 2 digits faded]. Verso: Floral still life. Provenance: Private owner, Vienna; Kohlhammer & Mahringer Fine Arts, Vienna; 2010 or thereabouts bought by private owner, Elixhausen. Location: Private owner, Elixhausen. Remarks: Date is based on homology. The motif is not listed in Harta's Werkverzeichnis from 1906 up to 1919.

Blumenstrauß um 1919. Oil on canvas. 80 x 60 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Front: Beach landscape. Provenance: Kohlhammer & Mahringer Fine Arts, Vienna; 2010s Bought by private collector, Elixhausen. Location: Private owner, Elixhausen, Austria.

Selbsporträt. Oil/canvas. Image: 39.3 x 48.2 cm; Framed: 53.34 x 63.7 cm. Signed & dated. bottom left HARTA / 1909. Exhibit: Kollektiv Ausstellung Felix Albrecht Harta, Künstlerhaus, Sbg. 01.-30.09. 1954.* Provenance: First owner, Eva Harta Wick. Descended to Estate. Location: Private owner, USA. Remarks: Harta is 25 yrs of age.

Beguinage per Harta. Oil/canvas. 59.5 x 73 cm, framed. Signed & dated bottom right: HARTA / BRÜGGE /1910". Verso titled on the frame "BEGUINAGE"WV 39 and "Fischmarkt". Lit: Harta 1906-1939 WV Nr. 39/1910; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 3. Dorotheum 11.29.2022, S. 23, Kat Nr. 77 mit Abb. Provenance: Herr Zuckermann, Vienna; 29.11.2022 Dorotheum, Vienna. Sold.Location: Private collection, Vienna.

Oil/Canvas. 61 x 50 cm. Signed bottom right: "HARTA". Exhibit: Vienna Secession 1911; Intl Exhibition Dresden 1912; Faistauer, Schiele, Harta & Co, Salzburg Museum, July 13-Oct, 20, 2019. Lit: Harta 1906-1939 Nr. 52/1910; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 249, Kat GN323 mit Abb; SCMA 2019, S.223, Taf. 27.Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 171. Prov: 1st owner, Dresden, Germany; May 5 1990, Kunstauktion Schloss Ahlden; Galerie Altnöder; 1991 Salzburg Museum. Inv # 1021-91. Photo credit: © Salzburg Museum.
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Auf dem Wall von Brügge per Harta. Oil/canvas. Signed, bottom left: "HARTA". Exhibit: Vienna Secession. 07.04.-09.07.1911. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S.WV Nr. 53/1910; Wien 1911, o.S., Kat. Nr. 30; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 4, 64, WV Nr. G10, mit Abb. Provenance: Dr. Lüzo, Wien. Archive foto with 1910 date. Location: Owner unknown as of 1991. Current whereabouts unknown. Photo Credit: Archive of the Salzburg Festival, Harta Estate.